Sunday, November 20, 2011

Staying in France.

So currently, I am in France. Just over the Swiss border in the French Alps. By night frost covers the ground and by day the sunshine warms the earth diminishing any site of winter. My life has hit brakes, not in a bad way, I went from city hopping (exciting, yet exhausting) to living the French country life, under the hospitiality of my friend Jerems (from NZ) family. I spend my days lounging around the morning, reading Paulo Coelho (3rd book of his since Europe), do a bit of yoga, drink some tea, until noon when his mother has prepared a vegetarian friendly meal for us. We all sit down together and eat. They speak French, and Jerem trys to get me to also... I do try but am a bit shy and have poor pronounciation. French talk with such enthusiam that I dont feel left out of the conversation. I try to help clean up...oh and we always eat bread, cheese and dessert. After lunch Jerem and our other friend Julie go on some sort of adventure for the afternoon and we come back for dinner ready to be served again. All sitting down, maybe drinking some wine. Again cheese, bread and dessert are all available along with the veggie friendly meal. After dinner at 7pm we all do our own thing, it depends on the night, but it usually involves a good talk and some lounging around. Until sleep decides to whisk us away until the next day. I will head over to Geneva at some point before taking off to London to then leave for photos have been posted. enjoy. and thanks for reading my blog

Oh and....
we found a chestnut tree, which drops the fruit onto the ground surrounded in a spikey shell, you step on it to roll off the shell inside to find the chestnuts, which you take home and roast or boil....yum.. and so fun

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